Friday, September 5, 2014

First Day Photos

I like this photo because it is slightly off center and simple. The lighting was perfect for this spot, and the rule of thirds works perfectly with this photo.. I also like how the column symbolizes tradition in a person.
I don't like this photo because the angle is weird and makes the main part oddly in the center. I also don't like the lighting in this photo because the light fades into a dark hallway to the right. It just looks really awkward and unnatural.
I like this photo because its not to perfect. I like the lighting and how other people just add. I also like the angle and how the lockers add like the people.
 I don't like this photo because the lighting is way to dark and it seems a little out of focus. I don't think the angle is that bad but I also think she could be a little closer to the camera. I also don't like how the windows in the background light the ceiling.

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