Friday, September 26, 2014

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Unusual and Interesting Photos Part 1

1. My first reaction was that it was cool, interesting and different. The guy did a cool effect with the landmarks and it paid off.

2. I think he made them with Photoshop.

3. The other buildings that I have in mind is the Capitol and the Frost bank down town. The Statue of Liberty would also look cool.

Photo Shoot Overlook

1. You can find these types of photos in a science class, clubs, elective classes.

2. Orchestra, Algebra, ELA, DIM.

3. Find cool angles, use the rule of thirds, and get good lighting. Also have the students/teachers not pay attention to the camera, and act natural. Not to mention to be creative with an open mind.

Favorite Academic Photo

My favorite photo was called "Drop the Bass". The photo had a girl with protecting glasses with a red rim with pink food coloring. She is dropping the food coloring on a black stereo lined in plastic with some food coloring on the thing. As the bass plays the food coloring pops up. The picture has the food coloring in the air as she drops another drop.

1. I picked this photo because I think it look the coolest and the funnest. It seemed more interesting than the others.

2. Some photography rules that show are balance and simplicity. It is simple because it's a normal girl doing a simple experiment and there is nothing that complicated about the photo. It is also balanced because there is an equal amount of food coloring being popped up.

Filling the Frame

I like this one for filling the frame because what the students are doing looks cool and fun. The thing on  the table looks cool when its lit up and I like how thats the only lighting. 

Action and Emotion

This is the best action/ emotion because the students are feeding the homeless which not a lot of people do. This will slowly but surely make a wonderful change in the world. 

The Story

I think that this has the best story because they are honoring their lost ones from their lives. They all joined together to do this which not a lot of people do.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Shoot Reflection

1. The challenge for me was thinking what those words make me picture and then executing it. Like on "Square" I thought of a square or a circle and it was hard to find a square or a circle in the school.

2. I thought on the focus and rule of thirds the most. I wanted the pictures to look cool, relaxed and clear.

3. What I want to do different is change the bowie and happy photo. I had different things I wanted to shoot and use but either the photo didn't come out right or I could not find what I wanted to shoot.

4. I would still shoot the "square" photo because it was one of the only square things I found and the picture came out really good. I also like the locker photo even though there are millions of other photos just like that.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Photo Ethics

Least Unethical: I don't think this one is as bad because it isn't offending anyone personally. I think it offends the landscape and camel more than anyone else. It is not directed toward a certain group of people.

Most Unethical: I think this is the most unethical because it is two photo in one that made the soldier look like he is yelling at the man with a child. The soldier could have been talking to all of the people or even helping them. 

Photo Manipulation and Ethics

The main point in the story was that manipulating photos can be really bad in different ways. When your editing photos you can't change to much or else its not a photo anymore, and you can change the photo that may offend people. Photoshop is the software most people use to edit, and sometimes they edit it for the bad and change things. When this this happens it can offend people or lead to a false statement.

Majorly changing a photo by moving the pixels or something is not right because then the photo isn't as original as it was. It can also offend people in a way if a someone manipulated a photo from a tragic or historic event.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Composition 9/11

This is a Merge photo because in the background there is a lamp post or something that looks like it is connecting the lady and fire mans heads.

This is leading lines because the lines lead to debris from the attack. It also leads to the smoke created in the air. 

Rule of Thirds
This is rule of thirds because the firemen are to the right and are the subject of the photo.

This is framing because the fireman on the ladder is in the middle of a hole in a wall. This creates a cool frame affect.

This is balance because the buildings are balanced through out the photo. No side has to many buildings.
This is simplicity because its just a piece of a plane on the ground. There is nothing really special about the photo.

Monday, September 15, 2014

National Geographic

I like this photo because its dark and gives this kind of scary feeling. I like more creepy kind of photos and cool storm photos like this. I also like seeing the stars up top because it can show how are beautiful world can be scary and threatening.
I would love to take photos of the rain, but its hard because it rarely rains here. Along with the rain I would also want to take photos of storm clouds and lightning. I want to take photos like one of my family members does because its a cool way to express people and yourself. I am also interested in taking photos of almost anything music related because music is my passion.

Touching People

1. I think this project is interesting. It could really bring people together or let us meet new people. It also shows how humans can be very uncomfortable with each other when really we are all the same inside.
2. I would be shy and say no but I think this project is cool and I would want to participate. It may be awkward but we just have to move past that. Its not awkward unless you make it awkward, and I need to be less shy. I think it would be cool to do.
3. I was in a photo shoot one time where I could wear goofy hats I have and be my weird self. I think it would be cool if there was a photo shoot like this one, but we got to wear clothes that represent us.
4. I like the photos and they are good, but they are not the kind of photos I could admire for hours. 

Top 40 Photos

I picked this photo because I feel bad for the small child. My brother was in the marines and I don't know what or how to take the news that my big brother died. (He is safe and living in Houston now). The way the light is really makes the photo look cool but I just like the story more that the photo. I think this photo made it to the top because the way it was taken and it is also a sad story which people somewhat like. Photographer: Aaron Thompson 

I chose this photo because I remember being at the airport waiting for my brother to come home and being so happy to see him. I can relate to this photo and I love to see families get reunited. I like the photos lighting and how its just focused on the mother and daughter. I think the photo made it to the top because of the way it was taken and people like sweet stories and want people to reunite with family that might be fighting for out country. Photographer: couldn't find 

I chose this photo because I think it adorable and I support same sex marriages. I think people should be with who make them happy. I just think everything about this photo is perfect. I think it made it to the top because its sweet and it supports a good cause. Photographer: Stan Honda

1st Prompt Shoot

Leading Lines (Tree branches) Balance

Leading Lines, Balance 

Rule of Thirds

Rule of Thirds

Warm up

1. I think it is uneque different and cool. You don't see that everyday and its just interesting.
2. No, I understood that it was upside-down faces that are way cool.
3. I would want to do a thing like this because its different and fin. It would get ones name out because of how creative it is.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

The Camera

1. Inside a dark room a tiny hole in a wall must be created. The light gets focused and then you can see a upside image on a wall.

2. Christian Huygens and Isaac Newton knew a lot about optics and how to make high quality lenses. The lenses then were used in a camera to make a more modern camera.

3. The part that made the modern camera "modern" was film. The film was used and created the first successful photograph in the 19th century. So then what you needed for a modern camera was a dark box, glass lens, and film.

4. Niepce's camera works just like digital cameras we have today. Light passes through the lens and onto the film which then creates the photograph.

5. In digital cameras the photo is captured in a electronic sensor called CCD and then stored in computer memory in the camera.

6. On auto mode the flash and exposure are automatically set. On program you can control them yourself so once you have it the way you want it just point and shoot.

7. Portrait mode is used to focus on only one thing, so once its focused on one thing the background gets blurred out.

8. Sports mode is used to take photos of moving things. The camera will use the fastest shutter speed it can.

9. Half press is used for focusing. You should use this so your picture is clear and focussed.

10. The symbol means that the flash is off and so it won't flash while taking the photo. You would use the no flash when its really bright outside or if you create your own lighting.

11. The symbol means that the flash will go off automatically if the camera thinks its too dark. You could use this when you think you might have enough lighting but not sure, or if its really dark where your shooting photos at.

12. When there is too much light the photo will be washed out and look faded.

13. The photo will be dark and so then it will be hard to see what you took a photo of.

14. A stop represents the change in lighting.

15. The new planet is 1 stop brighter.

16. The new planet would be 2 stops brighter.

17. The longer shutter speed has more light.

18. The shorter shutter speed has less light.

19. The aperture controls how much light gets in. It works similar to a pupil in an eye.

20. You can adjust the amount of light by setting the aperture opening to F-stop.

Friday, September 5, 2014

First Day Photos

I like this photo because it is slightly off center and simple. The lighting was perfect for this spot, and the rule of thirds works perfectly with this photo.. I also like how the column symbolizes tradition in a person.
I don't like this photo because the angle is weird and makes the main part oddly in the center. I also don't like the lighting in this photo because the light fades into a dark hallway to the right. It just looks really awkward and unnatural.
I like this photo because its not to perfect. I like the lighting and how other people just add. I also like the angle and how the lockers add like the people.
 I don't like this photo because the lighting is way to dark and it seems a little out of focus. I don't think the angle is that bad but I also think she could be a little closer to the camera. I also don't like how the windows in the background light the ceiling.